
Sleepy Hucow Pack

Simple milk-minded cow-focused pieces including countdowns to sleep, a loopable this-fetish-makes-you-sleepy piece, and a "your nipples have a wave of sleep behind them, stimulate them at your pleasure-peril" one for those of you who want something titillating on the edge of dream.Tracks:

1) Pillow Pressure - (20 minute, a big wave of sleepy pleasure is just waiting for you to provoke it by touching the right/wrong sensitive spot)

2) Cow Signal - Warm Milk Mind Loop Available to Backers in the Backer Folder as a bonus!
(23 minute loopable cow-content-is-allowed-to-help-you-sleep piece which is permissive and confidence building)

3) Cow Signal - Waiting Makes It Worse (arousing variant of the above content with encouragement to fall asleep after)

4) Warm Milk Cowntdown (Available as sample below) - a 15 minute countdown from 100 to 0 with permission to drift off and encouragement to link soothing concepts to the process.

Full pack available as a Reward.


Dreaming Induction - Dream It

A stylish remake of my classic "dreaming induction" which is intended to set up the idea that your mind is processing and installing conditioning during periods of rest. A little confusion, trickery, many of my commonly used phrases. Dominant and erotic tone. Listen while lying in bed, preferably with a bunch of files queued up! The better your sleep hygeine the more one might benefit. The concept: that as you listen to pieces while sleeping you DO drift into wakefulness sometimes, plus there is when you get up in the morning - to be reminded you've been trained and conditioned on your material of choice all night long.

This piece is angled toward beginners who have listened to the other beginner files, and as said it works at the beginning or sprinkled throughout playlists.




Sleep Submission Pack

Often I'm asked about files you can listen to while asleep. This doesn't *really* work. The mind can't hold a position of focused concentration while asleep and doesn't process language well, and a lot of what I do is heavily language dependent. Can't find a way to do kinesthetic online - though I did think of doing vibration for remote controlled toys, and if they come up with other haptic stuff I'd love to do that but anyway here is stuff that'll work *despite* sleeping, rather than during it.

Attached is the Open and Close Installation which is available here for patrons. The Pack contains two other files, each 10+ minutes long to make an over 30 minute pack. Requestable as a Reward audio in the usual way.

Open And Close Installation - What if both going to sleep and waking up from it were powerful reminders of the possibility of trance, and of the tendency to insert memory or thought after the fact in dreams and deja vu?

Dedicating Your Sleep - Though nothing may happen hypnotically while you are asleep, you can dedicate the process of being asleep to the improvement of your trance conditioning.

Looping Sleep Devotional - A loopable submissive pre-sleep track with a theme of submitting to me, goes well with devotion/brain drain/mental muzzle concepts.

30+ Minutes (10+ each, 3 files)

Permissive Path to Sleep

Though this is meant to go at the end of a playlist, it is actually intended to let you just stop listening even if it is included in a loop, helping you treat all further words as sleep encouragement, giving yourself permission to drift off after the recording or even during it. This track goes well at the end of a pre-sleep playlist or one you intend to drift off to or as one of the components of a longer looping pre-sleep or simultaneous-with-sleep playlist.

A path is open and you can allow yourself to head down it, allowing suggestions to aid your relaxation.

Created by Leanan Ivy.

Exclusive work, scripts, layers, loops, and binaurals are available at her independent Patreon which is located here.


Somnolence Evocation

You can loop this or use it in any playlist. A pre-sleep or pre-trance piece reminding you of my tendencies, drawing on rapport, using Mental Muzzle, Brain Drain, and Night Night adjacent language alongside general resistance and rapidfire induction themes.

15 Minutes

Sleep - Training the Breath

More pre-sleep training. A permissive resistance and confusion-based rapport meditation which uses your own breathing and the word 'sleep' as a self-anchoring sleep mechanic, accompanied by the idea of being pushed down further and further each time you practice this exercise. Includes programming about processing yourself into easier wakening in the morning as well through breathing deliberately.
Useful for those who have studied the square breath during meditation, but any steady calm deep breathing makes a nice anchor if that is comfortable for you.

Length: 8 Minutes

Sleep - Inversion

Your mind already speaks with the voice of my trances, my works in a small box in the corner of your mind that you sometimes erratically and accidentally-on-purpose hit on.

What if we switched it around, so your busy thoughts were down in that box instead, and most of your mind was occupied with different tones and frequencies of trance?

The core of your experience is of switching between different remembered trances. This audio draws on existing rapport and understanding, but only to place you in a state where my commands are a little stronger so I can issue one ideal one: to sleep.

The general training may stick for other conditioning as well, and the track includes the mental muzzle aspect of hearing my voice aiding you internally in replacement of your own.

Uses the trigger from Night Night, Brain Drain, and Brain Drain 5's extra trigger specifically.

Length: 20 Minutes

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