
Subby Puppy - Submission Position

A long puppy pet-play piece as continuation of the Subby Puppy series.

Fucking your butt while you get in an appropriate puppy pet play position. Include any appropriate attire or mannerisms at your option, and get pulled into puppy head space for a while.


Trained Puppy Reinforcement Induction

An induction with deepener and a lot of finger snaps. Aimed at those who have a "puppy play" mindset and/or like pup play. Playlist, put it at the start, works with any other puppy themed file.

Length: 21 Minutes


Puppy Pawse

What if bondage mitts or any other kind of puppy glove simply helped you forget about hands and just have paws, paw at things.

Meditative, rapidfire.

Non-erotic, simply about being a good relaxed puppy who doesn't need hands once you offer them up to have gloves or other bondage put on your wrists or hands.

A good puppy can just be in the puppy part of their mind and put the rest to sleep. Your mind is on pause while you have paws.

Having some kind of thing you wear on your wrists or hands to indicate you have paws instead of hands, is useful for the anchor contained here.

General puppy mindset is trained as well.

The induction attached below is also an excellent standalone puppy induction, while the full 30 minute file is available as a Reward.

30 Minutes

Subby Puppy Praise + Up Pup Induction

In this file I use fractionation and positive reinforcement. I praise you for each small puppy task done, and leverage all puppy themed training pieces I have previously created to produce an effective "stay a while and listen" style induction. This induction is available separately as an attachment below. Includes suggestion to think or say "yes, yes, yes", agreeing with the praise you are subject to, and internalizing it.

30 Minutes

Subby Puppy - Underfoot Training Time Induction and Deepener

An expansion of simple puppy principles: giving me pleasure is good. Staying in place, rolling over, knowing your place, being belly up, being a good puppy, and giving in to pleasure... also good and important.

This is a useful induction for any puppy themed audio and is non-explicit, gender and genital neutral.

11 Minutes

Latex Puppy - Foot Worship Conditioning

Following on from other puppy play tracks and from the Latex Bath and Latex Succubus tracks, the subject is put in their place and allowed to worship their mistress, their handler, their owner. Foot worship and scent worship are stressed along with good puppy behaviour and being put in your place. Some light domination overall.

Length: 15 Minutes

Latex Succubus - Puppy Training

Layers of latex surround you. A puppy hood, a tail, and all the stuff of your own sensitized delight. As you are trained and conditioned you are placed in a fit state to serve, primed to be a good puppy and to adore and worship in submissive pet play bliss.

Works well with Latex Bath.

Length: 18 Minutes

Puppy Signal

An intense expansion of puppy content.

Are you a puppy because you identify with that kind of pet play? Are you a puppy because you have been trained?

Or, are you a puppy because I've been gradually modulating you to a powerful signal that runs deep inside you, which is running away with your mind, your thoughts, your will?

I could modulate this signal, switching one thing for another, or tugging at your good-puppy stay-puppy obey-puppy mind to bring about changes.

Following the signal, automatically moving with the signal, is precisely what lets you be manipulated by handlers and others you wish to submit to.

Good puppy.

Length: 35 Minutes

Puppy Treats Pack

A set of simple puppy files.

Holding Space gives you an internal safe room in which to think things over while in meditative puppy comfort
Basking Induction and Deepener is about basking in company with your handler.
Brain Trap is about being caught in the words "stay, puppy" and is loopable.

- download the full puppy basking induction and deepener here!
Length: 30+ Minutes

Confident Reassurance - Good Pup Checkup

Combining puppy play and drone/systems maintenance themes, this is a file about setting aside part of the day to see how your settings are doing. Does some part of your internal configuration need adjusting? Has junk data crept in?

Includes confidence, certainty that you are attractive and a good candidate to be someone's submissive puppy in puppy play. Incorporates suggestions of your desirability, reassurance, and the idea that your dominant is something of a systems administrator, helping you organize and position the computer of your mind to better simulate desired behaviours while incorporating puppy play. A kind of pup-drone theme overall.

Length: 20 Minutes

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