Puppy Play Series

Subby Puppy - Submission Position

A long puppy pet-play piece as continuation of the Subby Puppy series.

Fucking your butt while you get in an appropriate puppy pet play position. Include any appropriate attire or mannerisms at your option, and get pulled into puppy head space for a while.


Trained Puppy Reinforcement Induction

An induction with deepener and a lot of finger snaps. Aimed at those who have a "puppy play" mindset and/or like pup play. Playlist, put it at the start, works with any other puppy themed file.

Length: 21 Minutes


Subby Puppy - Boned Puppy and Loop

Links anal stimulation to puppy mindset. The free loop is attached. It comprises a nice deepener and trigger piece for getting into a puppy mindset before being played with and can be put on repeat, while the longer piece (30 minutes) is conditioning to both want anal sex more often, and to associate being buttfucked with being in puppy headspace and more sensitive to stimulation.

Play and obey as the more you're played with the deeper you get and the more your sensitive vulnerable butt is played with, the more you feel sensitive, vulnerable, obedient, trainable, and in your puppy headspace. An easy signal your handler can use to get you where you'd like to be. Combine with a plug for extended puppy scenes. Includes wanting to be safe and comfortable and practice anal play so you're ready when it's time.

This was created as the result of a custom request at my patreon.

15 Minutes Loop / 30 Minutes extended

Puppy Play - Bitch for Use

A knotted strap-on cock is used to torment and buttfuck your bound puppy form. Conditioning to be a good puppy and like being used, objectified, filled, fucked with a knotted toy, are explored.

"Puppy brains are easy to train", similar concepts, and some general desire to be anally trained and conditioned. Includes implications of a puppy "bitch suit", movement restricting latexwear. Listener is referred to as a "bitch" and mentioned as climaxing.


Toppy Puppy

A subby puppy/ general puppy play expansion featuring a new 'trick', confidently and thoroughly topping your handler. You will bring pleasure, dominant and desirous. This is just one more command, which you can feel comfortable with knowing it is what your lover wants. You will lick and paw and hump and grind and whimper and growl and pin and bring pleasure until you are told to stop or until both of you are happily spent...

Then you will slide back down submissively, even deeper. The more energy you apply into pushing upward, the deeper you will go afterward until you have rubberbanded down to your lowest most submissive point for aftercare.

This audio leverages the desire to serve, be adaptable, and learn new tricks, to create a puppy's understanding of how to serve while topping, even if it is a bit unusual. Increasing comfort and confidence when your partner would like to explore the partner on top.

34 Reward + 10 Reinforcement & Trigger file

Subby Puppy Play 2 - Good Puppy

I slide a puppy hood with a blindfold, or even just a blindfold, into place. Darkness takes over, you climb inside your other puppy senses, awakening the aroused and hyper-sensitive puppy body. You push aside all the expectations about your pleasure which society has taught you, and just allow yourself to be what you are: a good puppy.

Includes triggers, and some commands, as I slide on my pink strap-on and fuck your ass slowly. Massage around your rear entrance, keep your hips where they are so when I slap into you hilt-deep, my hips slap your ass and you squirm. I feel myself rubbing against the base of my toy, when I thrust in my harness, so you're pushing pleasure back into me.

Puppy mind in deprivation of one sense, intensely focused on the others. Come for me and keep coming and lose yourself in the shivers of puppy play as I talk dirty and run you through intense memory of being pegged on my toy while I masturbate you and you deliberately push your ass upward so I can see what I'm doing to you and fuck you more thoroughly. Blindfolded, rammed deep, and taught your place. What more could a good puppy ask for?

This piece does not rely on the prior instalment in the series (which is being remastered currently), but benefits from any puppy training you may have, and also from wearing a blindfold and/or leather puppy hood.

The Puppy Playtime Induction is attached as a free download below, and it is a good way to start any session of puppy fun.

- Subby Puppy: Session Starter Induction

Length: 31 Minutes

Good Pup Cleanup Loop

A loopable instruction which cooperates with my triggers and all "puppy" themed files. You clean the house and get praised as a good puppy for doing so. Ties in with Mentally Muzzled and Automatically themes.

You can't be on your knees being a good puppy if the floor isn't clean and safe to be on ;) Same for being played with across the couch, or other furniture. You'll drop deeper and be a better puppy if you've got everything clean and tidy around you. The "break" version has you stop cleaning for 10 minutes to be rewarded, each cycle, making for 30 minute puppy cleaning + reward cycles. The "no break" version is 20 minutes of praise and automatic cleaning with puppy themes.

10, 20, 30 Minutes

Subby Puppy Praise + Up Pup Induction

In this file I use fractionation and positive reinforcement. I praise you for each small puppy task done, and leverage all puppy themed training pieces I have previously created to produce an effective "stay a while and listen" style induction. This induction is available separately as an attachment below. Includes suggestion to think or say "yes, yes, yes", agreeing with the praise you are subject to, and internalizing it.

30 Minutes

Subby Puppy - Underfoot Training Time

You, as a submissive puppy, serve and whimper under my thrall and influence. I rest my feet on you, and slowly train you. All foot fetish exposure brings out puppy mindsets and awakens your urge to be handled, positioned, and allowed to just be a good puppy.

Incorporates the Underfoot Training Time Induction

This was created as the result of a custom request at my patreon.


Subby Puppy - Underfoot Training Time Induction and Deepener

An expansion of simple puppy principles: giving me pleasure is good. Staying in place, rolling over, knowing your place, being belly up, being a good puppy, and giving in to pleasure... also good and important.

This is a useful induction for any puppy themed audio and is non-explicit, gender and genital neutral.

11 Minutes

Null Puppy

An expansion of Subby Puppy concepts. Available in both non-erotic and erotic versions.

Pleasurable physical sensation changes from its usual state to a worshipful increase in obedience and subby puppy thought for your handler. When you touch yourself, your mind produces more relaxing submissive thought, which expands to fill your mind. When you would normally reach your most intensely stimulated, you are overcome by submission instead. Null puppy, and a finger snap, is enough to put you in a frame of mind where you care less about your body, and more about your good puppy nature.

The erotic version is in the backer folder. The non-erotic version can be downloaded below.

Non-erotic: 10:14 / Erotic 18:55

Puppy Urges

This is a file which centers around simple conditioning in the puppy play style, with four triggers used throughout. Finger snaps are also employed, to play into the "training" aspect. The file uses exclusively positive reinforcement and highlights the best and most tempting qualities of being locked into one's "puppy play" mentality.

The commands are set up long before they are explicitly described and stated, for example the concept of "rolling over" not just physically, but also mentally as you fall under into sub space, and puppy mentality.

"Roll over" is a deep trance command which pushes your mind down into puppy state and opens you for obedience.

"Stay" as a freeze command which works because you want to impress your owner with how still you can stay, until your mind stays still as well.

"Beg", is a fairly standard command, with added context here for those puppies who are allowed to speak in their puppy role, adding "beg for x" can help orient what you're begging for.

"Get wrecked" is an instruction which conjures pleasurable sensations and near-climax as a way of reminding the puppy of their place.

Finally "present", for assuming your best puppy posture and ensuring your best qualities are open and on display. Also makes a good command for when you're being dressed in locked-on puppy gear, the idea being you will follow their guidance for moving your arms and legs into place and being posed, as opposed to stay where you will stay until told otherwise.

The whole thing is presented in a positive, encouraging light alongside tempting descriptions meant to draw one further and more automatically into the puppy mindset. The file is open ended and the end abruptly stops after language which resembles the beginning but could also lead into other files, making it loopable. Rather than visualization-heavy, this file relies on cooperative teaching and explanation, on the presentation of arguments the typical eager loyal horny puppy would jump to accept and incorporate into their mind, with a little help. But if that busy, enthusiastic puppy brain is sleeping, the mind can more readily leap on suggestions presented by a third party (me) for conditioning in future puppy play.

- File Length: 36 Minutes

Drippy Puppy Thoughts

Uses puppy conditioning and the brain drain triggers to focus the mind on a process of being made to Stay as all your non-puppy thoughts drip out of your brain by degrees.

Loopable so you can put it on repeat or sprinkle it through a playlist. You might get stuck or forget the contents, however... or how many times you've listened through.

Length: 16 Minutes

Subby Puppy Switch + Aftercare

This is a puppy play themed induction which goes with all the other puppy play files. It stresses that puppy urges are so ingrained that your unconscious mind and your training work together to create better puppy experiences. Your mind "toggles" into puppy mode when you are preparing for a session. Put this at the start of a playlist before any puppy play file, or before any file at all if puppy play is part of your usual course of events.

File contains encouraging tone, finger snaps, tasks and commands ("roll over" and "sleep" for example).

Includes a separate 10 minute Aftercare awakener about cuddling and reassuring you you are a good pup after the session.

- Sample is the entire Aftercare Clip.

File Length: 35 Minutes (25 Main + 10 minute aftercare clip)

Subby Puppy - Deep Doggy Desires

A sequel to Subby Puppy. This file can be chained directly after it, or listened to on its own. This is for those who like having a puppy mindset, including loyalty and confidence in your form. This file encourages general pet play fetish, as well as anticipating the desires and needs of your owner or handler. It is gender and genital neutral, both for the listener and for the potential dominant.

Exercise, eat healthy, serve always, and allow the loyal nature of a puppy play mindset to drive your urge to serve. The body teaches the mind lessons about better serving your owner. Gender neutral. A collar of some sort (established as a trigger in the aforementioned Subby Puppy file) is highly useful as a trigger and for reinforcement.

Non-sexual in its main themes, though I'm sure it might make you horny just with the positive servile attitude involved.

Includes a few useful mantras, see if you can remember them!

Length: 45 Minutes

Subby Puppy

Before beginning to listen, choose any item of neckwear and hold it in your hand. This can be a necklace, an actual collar, a scarf, anything at all. This will be your "collar" for purposes of this file and will serve as an anchor for the changes described in future. Ideally your future visualizations can be of the furry body described herein.

While the listener is relaxing in trance, a mistress happens along who notices their unfocused, drowsy trancey form. Taking this opportunity to shape the listener's thinking, the form they awake in is that of a submissive, strong puppy. Pointed ears, luxurious fur, tail and paws. The mistress teaches the subject about their new role, and trains some basic obedience thoughts into them, associating them with the trigger of wearing your collar. This file will be compatible with the CoC canine pepper files when they come out, but is also great alone. This file and its future sequel include themes of exercise, eating well, holding your mistress in your strong arms, and so forth. Enjoy!

A sequel exists, incorporating more behavioural sides to go with the physical elements described in this piece.

Playlist order:
  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file

This mp3 was made free, and was originally produced some time ago.

Subby Puppy Play

This file works well with Subby Puppy, Subby Puppy Behaviour, and Trained Puppy induction.

This file is for those who don't necessarily have an authority figure to take advantage of their subby puppy conditioning, but want commands like SIT, STAY, HEEL, and other more involved ones, to run through their mind. The file ends in a permissive way which encourages the listener to listen to the next file, chain another puppy file after it if you wish, or otherwise just lay there and relax.

22 Minutes

Subby Puppy Fundamentals

This file works well with Subby Puppy, Subby Puppy Behaviour, and Trained Puppy induction.

A file about an obedient doglike mindset where authority is automatically obeyed because it pleasurably works the levers inside your mind. This file reinforces and works alongside the aforementioned doglike obedience files.

22 Minutes
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