Works great after the Layer and Lair deepener on any playlist.
You are my ideal canvas - prepared, inlaid.
Every time you hear my voice, every time I blank your thoughts, every time you follow along to your natural conclusion you are filled with my control more and more. The many layers of prior trances are a tempting euphoria you are never fully free from, and all of your squirming attempts only enmesh you more.
Uses my most common triggers such as Night Night and Be Blank, alongside themes of my voice slowly and deliberately replacing then augmenting your thoughts. The ultimate expression of your life as my ideal blank canvas being etched and textured again and again. Have you wanted to simulate being my ideal plaything, my perfect expression of artistry? How effectively can you blank out your mind, let it drip away, and drift into the ocean of my voice working in you?
How completely my own would you like to be?
The machinery of you prints layer after layer of my intent, and it is always working. The only difference between trancing for me, and being outside of trance, is whether the machine is working off pre-programmed plans, or being actively steered at that moment.

Length: 30 Minutes